Wheat ROI Fact Sheet

Wheat ROI Fact SheetSulphur is as essential as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for optimum wheat yields and maximum returns on your soil fertility programs. Recent review of soil analyses in U.S.A. and Canada revealed a frequent lack of sulphur needed to aid plant growth and produce top yields. When soils are sulphur-deficient, both wheat yield and quality are…

Cotton ROI Fact Sheet

Cotton ROI Fact SheetA key factor in cotton development and yield is a soil fertility management program that includes sufficient sulphur. Sulphur is a key component of amino acids contributing to protein synthesis and is involved in enzymes and other plant metabolism processes. Download Now!

Corn ROI Fact Sheet

Corn ROI Fact SheetSulphur is as essential as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for optimum corn yields and maximum returns on your soil fertility programs. Recent review of soil analyses in U.S.A. and Canada revealed a frequent lack of sulphur needed to aid plant growth and produce top yields. When soils are sulphur-deficient, both corn yield…

AccuSeed = Accurate Plant Populations

AccuSeed = Accurate Plant Populations Phil Thomas, Senior Agri-Coach has been talking for several years about a concept called OPD or Optimum Plant Density. “We have been working with growers to ensure that they pay more attention to the quality and quantity of seed they are sowing. Generally cereals densities could be raised while in canola we would like to see a greater degree of…

AccuSeed Seed Bulking Trial

AccuSeed Seed Bulking TrialObjective: Investigate the use of AccuSeed granular elemental sulphur (S) as a seed-bulking agent to assist in reducing canola seeding rates. Background: One way to increase a crop’s ability to fight disease while reducing lodging and overall crop height is to decrease plant population. Download Now!