The best time to apply Tiger-Sul® sulphur bentonite products like Tiger 90CR® or Tiger XP® is between harvest and planting, when snow or ice isn’t covering the fields. Soil temperature is important; in northern soils where soil temperature does not exceed 65°F (18°C) until mid-June, Tiger-Sul recommends a combination of sulphate and Tiger XP or Tiger 90CR Sulphur to assist with early-season plant nutrient sulphur availability. Unlike sulphur bentonite, if sulphate is applied in the fall, it can leach through the soil profile.
Ideally, the best time to apply Tiger-Sul products is in the fall which allows the maximum time for the pastille to degrade and disperse. However, farmers’ management practices must be taken into consideration. Fall application provides additional time for the pastille to break down by the wet/dry, freeze/thaw cycles. These tiny particles provide enough surface area for the bacteria in the soil to convert the sulphur to plant-available sulphate in the spring as soil temperatures increase.
Tiger-Sul Products understands that rarely do farmers operate in a perfect growing environment with timely application of products. This is one of the reasons that Tiger-Sul has focused research on spring applications. Spring application provides Tiger-Sul products the greatest challenges. Fortunately for producers, Tiger-Sul’s extensive research database shows that over many research sites and many years of trials, there are consistent yield gains. These gains are reflected in the yield monitors for farmers and consultants.
Through Tiger Microsite Enhanced Technology™, millions of sulphur particles disperse to form a Tiger Zone™ in the soil. The Tiger Zone is the area where sulphur is converted to plant-available sulphate. This minimizes loss or tie-up in the soil and enhances nutrient use and plant availability.
The sulphur (S) to sulphate (SO4) conversion process forms sulphuric acid (H2SO4) which acidulates the micronutrient oxide particles and transforms them into a plant-available nutrient. This provides a slow, season-long release of both plant available sulphate and the micronutrients. The correct usage of Tiger-Sul Micronutrient fertilizers can lead to increased nitrogen use efficiency, less leaching loss, and improved phosphorus and micronutrient uptake.
For more information, visit or contact your Tiger-Sul Products Account Manager or Tiger-Sul Products Agronomist. Find out the amount of Tiger Micronutrients you need to apply with Tiger-Sul’s Micronutrient Application Rate Calculator.